Art Museum of Tlaxcala (MAT)

General Information

The building itself is a historic building built in the nineteenth century. It has underwent various uses and has now been adapted to house one of the most valuable collections of Tlaxcala, the early unknown work of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo. Made between 1923 and 1927.

  • Guided tours are free during museum hours and last approximately one hour We suggest registering ahead of time.
  • Articles of design, decor, jewelry, stationery, etc.. Open during museum hours.
  • NOTE: The visits are subject to availability of guides

Plaza de la Constitución # 21, Colonia centro, Tlaxcala.

Tel. (246) 4621510

From Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 to 18:00 Hrs

Night schedule Friday from 18:00 to 22:00 hours

Entrada General: $20.00
Estudiantes, Maestros: $10.00
Domingos entrada gratuita
  • Visitas guiadas gratuitas en los horarios del museo con duración aproximada de una hora. Sugerimos registrarse con anticipación.